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Sunday, December 8, 2013

What a Weekend

I know I have not posted anything and I even missed Wednesday Hodgepodge. But the Hepner house has been struck with a common cold and we are all stuffy, runny, and even coughy around here. Needless to say I haven't even vlogged. I am hoping to get back in the swing of things tomorrow. I have just been so out of it and then trying to help the kids and get medicine in them to help them to be able to breath through the snot. I am still stuffed up and probably sound weird but I am going to go for it, I am not going to let any thing stop me.

So I was thinking about doing a Sunday Psalm Verse every Sunday, so I thought I would start with today. Here is today's verse:

Hope you have a great day and May God Bless!!!
Krystal Hepner

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One of those days

I have been having a rough few days at work. I have a coworker that makes me feel as if I'm a child and I'm stupid. When I ask a question she reacts as if I'm a child then she yells at me which makes me feel stupid. I can't wait for my days to end so I can go home when I use to enjoy coming to work. I am going to make the best of today and get through today with a smile no matter what.

On a different note I got a new toy!!! My husband got me a Nikon D80 with a telescope lens!!! I have been in heaven with it. It takes great pictures, my kids hates it because all they hear is click, click, click lol. When we put up our Christmas tree a few days ago I took tons of pictures. I well share later because I'm at work and don't have access to my pictures our the camera.

Well I hope everyone has a great day, I'll try and be back later with photos!!!

God bless!

Krystal Hepner