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Monday, February 11, 2019

Staying On Track

Today I'm checking in! I actually had this post planned for around the first of February but I had some things come up and had to plan it for another day.

I wanted to let you know what I was using to stay on track this year.

I have a Filofax Domino Personal size that has all the things that I need to help me stay on task and I can fit it into my purse to take it anywhere with me. I have had it for awhile and its a little battered but it serves its purpose.

I recently purchased printable planner inserts to try this month and I can't make a judgement yet if they are working at this time as it is hasn't been a full month. 

The shop is called Kinleighs Doodles- Planning for Better Inserts ( I am not affiliated with this link, it is for the purpose of sharing the shop where I purchased my planner inserts).

I purchased their personal size weekly on four pages layout and middles. So far I am liking it but I can't really say as it hasn't even been a full month.

So what are you using to stay on track with goals for this year, let me know!

I also have been playing around with digital design and made a free printable planner dashboard. Just right click on the image below and save.

Thanks for Stopping by!!! Don't forget to Follow for future free printable!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Chapter in LIfe

I'm sitting here home alone today trying to get some work done but I keep going into deep thought. I planned an update post for staying on top of your goals this year. It was suppose to go up the beginning of February and I have been very busy. But my oldest child (my only daughter who is 18) came over yesterday and went though the things left in her room. Last night I was going through old photos of my kids and family and all the things that we did together. If was fun to see how much not just my daughter has changed but all of my kids have. Only today did it hit me that she hasn't been home in over a month and she really moved out. We are repainting the room and turning it in my youngest sons room/my craft space (the room is huge).

I am a little emotional over this epiphany that I had today. I thought I was OK with it but then it just really hit me after seeing all those old photos last night. I miss all those times we went camping, played in the snow, took them treat or treating, went to the circus, the fair. I am very happy that I captured all those memories and I can look back on them anytime and have those memories.

 I know that I am entering a new chapter in life and no one has said that life was easy. I am not and was not prepared for this chapter. I truly believe that no one is, as there is not a manual on parenting. I will always worry about her, I will always miss her constant presence in my home. No she didn't move miles away and I can go see her anytime and she can come over anytime. Its the fact that she is now on her own and out in the world trying to figure out adulthood.

I wish her the best in this new chapter for her as well in life. I want her to know that I will always be there for her wherever her journey may take her.

Its time for me to get some work done so until next time.

God Bless.
