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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Monday, February 11, 2019

Staying On Track

Today I'm checking in! I actually had this post planned for around the first of February but I had some things come up and had to plan it for another day.

I wanted to let you know what I was using to stay on track this year.

I have a Filofax Domino Personal size that has all the things that I need to help me stay on task and I can fit it into my purse to take it anywhere with me. I have had it for awhile and its a little battered but it serves its purpose.

I recently purchased printable planner inserts to try this month and I can't make a judgement yet if they are working at this time as it is hasn't been a full month. 

The shop is called Kinleighs Doodles- Planning for Better Inserts ( I am not affiliated with this link, it is for the purpose of sharing the shop where I purchased my planner inserts).

I purchased their personal size weekly on four pages layout and middles. So far I am liking it but I can't really say as it hasn't even been a full month.

So what are you using to stay on track with goals for this year, let me know!

I also have been playing around with digital design and made a free printable planner dashboard. Just right click on the image below and save.

Thanks for Stopping by!!! Don't forget to Follow for future free printable!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Chapter in LIfe

I'm sitting here home alone today trying to get some work done but I keep going into deep thought. I planned an update post for staying on top of your goals this year. It was suppose to go up the beginning of February and I have been very busy. But my oldest child (my only daughter who is 18) came over yesterday and went though the things left in her room. Last night I was going through old photos of my kids and family and all the things that we did together. If was fun to see how much not just my daughter has changed but all of my kids have. Only today did it hit me that she hasn't been home in over a month and she really moved out. We are repainting the room and turning it in my youngest sons room/my craft space (the room is huge).

I am a little emotional over this epiphany that I had today. I thought I was OK with it but then it just really hit me after seeing all those old photos last night. I miss all those times we went camping, played in the snow, took them treat or treating, went to the circus, the fair. I am very happy that I captured all those memories and I can look back on them anytime and have those memories.

 I know that I am entering a new chapter in life and no one has said that life was easy. I am not and was not prepared for this chapter. I truly believe that no one is, as there is not a manual on parenting. I will always worry about her, I will always miss her constant presence in my home. No she didn't move miles away and I can go see her anytime and she can come over anytime. Its the fact that she is now on her own and out in the world trying to figure out adulthood.

I wish her the best in this new chapter for her as well in life. I want her to know that I will always be there for her wherever her journey may take her.

Its time for me to get some work done so until next time.

God Bless.


Monday, January 21, 2019

Checking In

2019 Make it your Year!

So here we are 3 weeks into the new year. Goals have been set, steps are in place.
Are you keeping up with your goals?

Here is some questions to ask yourself that helped me check myself to make sure that I am on track.

Am I achieveing the small weekly/daily goals that I have set for myself?

Pulling out the planner,  vision board etc, where ever you wrote out your goals. How many have you checked off and successfully completed?

Looking at where you have worked the least, what needs to shift too work on what you have been putting off?
Is it time management or effort that needs to change. Maybe it’s the situation, is it a realistic goal right now?
What can be done right now to get back on track if you have fallen off?
Always look at your goals and what the end result will be never stop rearranging to make each and every goal happen this year. If one can not be reached in the now, is it a one that needs to be moved to perhaps a monthly goal instead of weekly.

It’s not to many questions to ask, its just a few to ask yourself often. Always check where you are with your goals helps you to stay on track and watch  get closer to the end result. It may seem far off now but before you know it it wil be on the horizon.

I am currently on track with my goals. As this blog was one of them.  My goal for the blog was to start posting content again and so far so good. It maybe small but I’m getting there

Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to follow so you can join my families crazy adventure called life!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Evening Thoughts

Laundry is done, dishes are washed, house is cleaned! Ready for what the week has to bring us.

Do you ever feel that you some times wok for your weekends. Then when the weekends comes you do nothing but clean the house which is more work. 

Most weekdays I feel that I work for the weekend only, to have the weekend off to clean the house and do the laundry. I have very capable children and a husband that can help with these task at home.  They clean up after themselves its not like my house is in total shambles but some days it feels like it.
My day job has me feeling this way a lot lately of working for the weekend.

Doing the house work is not the problem, the problem is for me finding the motivation to get up everyday and going to my day job. Some might say that its time for a vacation. While I agree with this but I try and think of other things as time off I don't have right now. I have to remind myself often that the bills are not going to pay themselves.

I have a feeling of satisfaction when my house is clean and organized, I spend the days with my kids at home. Going to work and working the day away doesn't make me feel that way anymore. Work has just become that work.

I sit on my Sunday evenings dreading the following day, Monday. I just pray that God gives me the strength to do what I need to do to continue on. I also think of all the things that I can do to change that feelin. I know that its going to take time to change and for God to show me the way. But in his time it will happen.

I also sit and think about how blessed I am that I even have a job as most don't right now. I guess I sit in my own self pity as I would rather be home with my children doing something that I love. I have also sat and thought that in due time I will be able to do these things. I have set goals and I am sticking to them this year and working fr the end result.

 What I need to do is sit and think about what I am grateful for more often not just on Sunday evenings. I have done so much this weekend and accomplished a lot of the “to-list”. My kids are happy and healthy and they have a roof over their heads. My husband is enjoying his football game all while being by my side.

 Yes the house is clean, the dishes are washed and the laundry is done for the week ahead. I am ready to face what ever comes my way this week.

So now that I am off the pity train a bit I am going to end this post here.

May God bless.

Don't forget to follow!


Monday, January 14, 2019

How to be happy in 2019

Be happy in 2019 Live your best life 

I am going to share with you a simply list of things that I have come up with to be happy in the new year. I have done a lot of soul searching since before the new year began as I wanted to be a happier person. This is what works for me. You can try them all or choose at random, it’s totally up to you.

1. Enjoy the small things- no this is not easy for those of us that want everything perfect and in order in our lives as we live by routines. But sometimes it’s satisfying  to step out of the routine and enjoy that extra moment.

2. Start a gratitude journal- sitting and thinking at the end of the day what you are thankful for is a good way to reflect and appreciate  things.

3. Journal your feelings- had a rotten day, write it down and let those feelings out on the pages in your writing. Had a fabulous day document it in a journal. Writing your feelings
of any sort help get them out and not clog up your happiness.

4. Live in the moment- this goes hand in hand with enjoy the small things. Don’t let your past keep chasing you. Don’t stop dreaming of your future but be present in the now.

5. Be kind- spreading kindness in your words and actions can be a game changer for everyone. Do this no matter how someone treats you at the end of the day that stranger may reflect on it and be the highlight of their day.

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for stopping by.

Tell me in the comments what’s on your list to be happy.

God bless

Thursday, January 3, 2019


So I had to redo my Bloglovin account as I haven't been on it in so long. So this is a short post to let everyone know to follow me over there. Remember the profile is new and I'm going to have to build it up again.

Follow My Blog on Bloglovin

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday, God Bless.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Happy New Year readers, I have been planning and setting goals all day. I’m a little behind on the vision board but I am determined to get it done today for the year. I am setting goals for the year and the month and setting up my very first vision board to keep them in site for the year to reach each one. This is in hopes that I can follow thru and keep myself accountable for everything that I do this year. I want change this is the year to do it. Why now you ask, I have so many hopes and dreams that I never put them in a visible place. I may write them down here and there but not actual follow thru. I’m tried of them being just hopes and dreams, I want them to be reality. Now is better then never and I figured with the year I can start fresh and watch the results for a whole year. In the end I want to see he goals hat I actually reached and did and say that I did it. I made it a reality. Now I know that this isn’t all going to happen over night that’s why I started at the beginning of a brand new year. I have plenty of time to set smaller goals to reach the bigger ones by the end of the year.

Some of my goals are to work from home and own my own business. I feel that since I started working outside the home again 6-7 years ago I have lost a lot with my children. They no longer have the routines and stable structure of a smooth oiled machine. When I get home from work I’m to tired to do anything else and don’t spend that quality time with my children making dinner or doing homework. I have come to rely on them solely being responsible for their school work on their own and that has failed. No I am not a single parent my husband also has a job but he is the same way when he gets home. I don’t take the time needed from work to take them to the dentist or doctors let alone special school events. I don’t blame working outside the work fully for this but it has a lot to do with it. Yes three of my children are teenagers one being 18 and I have a 12 year old and they are all doing their own things in life but I want to be in the moment with them.

Another goal is starting a business and having it be successful. I know my goals do not come without there ups and downs and I’m ok with that. I will go thru trial and error to find what works and what don’t. I’m not expecting things run smoothly or just take off on their own. I know that each goal requires me to put int he hard work it takes to get them where I want them. I am currently in the stage of research of what it takes to start and run a business also what exactly it is that is the best business fit for my family and I.

Another thing I did today was choose a word for the year. My word is possibility. There is going to be possibility in everything that I do this year. I will turn possibility into possible by the end of the year as it goes perfectly hand in hand with my goals. The possibilities as endless with my goals this year and I am over the moon excited to see what it brings.

So in closing have you made any goals for the upcoming year? Do you make a vision board?  What do you hope the New Year brings?

Until next time God bless,