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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday Talk

Well I know that its been a while since I have done any blogging. I have no excuses for it, I have just been lazy. But this Sunday I sat down and thought about it and I have came up with some ideas that might help me stay in the game.

I have decided to make fun titles for each day of the week and they are all related to what the topics will be talked about in the blog that day.

I have also decided that I will dedicate Sunday evenings to a time to sit down and plan out each blog post as much as I can so it can be published throughout the week.

Like the title of this blog post Tuesday Talk. I am hoping that every Tuesday that I can keep up with talking about random things that are going on in all parts of my life. So that is my Tuesday Talk for now stay tuned to find out what tomorrows topic will be!!!

Have a great day,
Krystal and Family

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monday Blues

Well its Monday once again and it that time again to go back to work. I am glad that I have a job that I love so its not that bad but I know a few people who snarl when this day comes to go back to work. We had a great weekend of cleaning, watching The Walking Dead and plenty of family time.

My daughter and I got to spend some time together on Saturday and we got our hair cut. I went from lots of length with one layer to short with layers. My daughter has the same haircut but hers is a little shorter then mine, but we both love our haircuts.

Here is the after and before pics of me since I seemed to have uploaded them backwards.
My hair before was long and stringy because I have very fine and thin blonde hair but after I got it cut it looks and feels so much more fuller and thicker!!!! Man, how a haircut can make a difference.
  I hope that everyone has a blessed day

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year's Eve and are recovering nicely today. We didn't do anything to special, we stayed up with the kids and watched The Walking Dead on Netflix all night. I believe that we are almost caught up to the current season.

I am very thankful for 2013, a lot of things have happened good and bad, and I am very blessed because it has all helped me shape me into the person I am today. I have learned a lot about my self also. So good-bye 2013 and bring on 2014. I am ready to self discover some more and see what great things lay ahead for the New Year.

Today I am off from work and plan on packing up the Christmas décor. Then clean up the house some and relax.

How are you bringing in the New Year today?

What are your plans?

What great things do you want to happen this year?

I didn't set any New Year's resolutions because I never seem to stick to them any way. So this year I am going to go with the flow of things.

Hope you all have a blessed day and a Happy New Year!!!

Krystal and Family