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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Evening Thoughts

Laundry is done, dishes are washed, house is cleaned! Ready for what the week has to bring us.

Do you ever feel that you some times wok for your weekends. Then when the weekends comes you do nothing but clean the house which is more work. 

Most weekdays I feel that I work for the weekend only, to have the weekend off to clean the house and do the laundry. I have very capable children and a husband that can help with these task at home.  They clean up after themselves its not like my house is in total shambles but some days it feels like it.
My day job has me feeling this way a lot lately of working for the weekend.

Doing the house work is not the problem, the problem is for me finding the motivation to get up everyday and going to my day job. Some might say that its time for a vacation. While I agree with this but I try and think of other things as time off I don't have right now. I have to remind myself often that the bills are not going to pay themselves.

I have a feeling of satisfaction when my house is clean and organized, I spend the days with my kids at home. Going to work and working the day away doesn't make me feel that way anymore. Work has just become that work.

I sit on my Sunday evenings dreading the following day, Monday. I just pray that God gives me the strength to do what I need to do to continue on. I also think of all the things that I can do to change that feelin. I know that its going to take time to change and for God to show me the way. But in his time it will happen.

I also sit and think about how blessed I am that I even have a job as most don't right now. I guess I sit in my own self pity as I would rather be home with my children doing something that I love. I have also sat and thought that in due time I will be able to do these things. I have set goals and I am sticking to them this year and working fr the end result.

 What I need to do is sit and think about what I am grateful for more often not just on Sunday evenings. I have done so much this weekend and accomplished a lot of the “to-list”. My kids are happy and healthy and they have a roof over their heads. My husband is enjoying his football game all while being by my side.

 Yes the house is clean, the dishes are washed and the laundry is done for the week ahead. I am ready to face what ever comes my way this week.

So now that I am off the pity train a bit I am going to end this post here.

May God bless.

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